Thursday, June 9, 2011

if you want to sleep when he's deployed, read this.

So I haven't slept in about 3 months. That's when Daniel left. If you need a refresher on "why" check out my post on Insomnia from back in January, that outta fill you in on the back story there... For those that are all caught up on my life, I have new details on the sleeping situation. I don't think it's entirely due to his absence. I think it might have to do with the mattress I've been sleeping on since I was 11. It's gotten me through close to 6 or 7 moves, middle school, high school, and college.

Yesterday I decided I was going to steal the brand new super duper comfy queen size mattress from the downstairs bedroom. Now, I have a full and, thus, my bed frame is also a full. But I was determined to make that whole situation work for the hope of having a restful night of sleep for at least the next two months. I'm just glad my dad didn't see me pulling that box spring up the stairs, by myself. He probably would have had a breakdown. But I say, where there's a will, there's a way and my will was determined to find a way to start sleeping.

After realizing a queen is MUCH larger than a full and that my full size bed frame cannot be contortioned into a queen without rebuilding it, my dad offered to "fix" the frame and make it so it will work with my new BIG AND COMFY bed. [Side note, he had to build new sides to my bed out of sheet metal at work today, I didn't even know he could weld!] Last night was my first night on the new mattress [dad convinced me, besides my clear dissapointed that it wouldn't be my complete vision, to put the mattress on the floor for the night] and I must say, I slept much much better. I think I might have found one thing a girl with a deployed Marine should not suffer through, an old uncomfortable mattress. To all the ladies about to go through a deployment, do whatever you must to make your bed as comfortable as possible! You are already going to be having a hard time sleeping once he leaves, so buy extra pillows or a mattress topper, or steal the more comfortable mattress from downstairs. It doesn't do you any good to wait and see if you'll get used him being gone. Spoiler alert: you won't. A girl without her beauty rest for months on end only translates into a girl with more erratice and less reasonable emotions. Save your friends, your family, and yourself all those tears and get a comfy bed!

I can't wait to snuggle in under those covers tonight and catch up on the last three months of sleep I've been missing. By the way, thanks for reading this ridiculously boring post, I just was really excited and needed to share to the "world" about my  new HUGE and COMFY bed :)

The little bed that I've been not-so-sleeping on since he left.

My new giant and amazingly comfortable bed! 


  1. Woo Hoo for new beds!!


  2. I like the beautiful comforter and pillow shams, are those new as well? I'm so glad you're sleeping, that should help a lot. I know when my children were little I didn't get much sleep & that really affects you. Here's to sweet dreams!

  3. No those aren't new :) The green set it on the guest bedroom downstairs that now has my old and "uncomfy" matress on it. I would LOVE to get new bedding but I am trying to wait because I know I don't "need" it right now. I still might check out Home Goods though, and see what I can find :)
