Monday, April 19, 2010

Changes on the Horizon

Sooooooooooo I made a very important decision this weekend. We debated it back and forth, over and over, upside down and inside out. I wanted to be sure it was the right choice and the right now. And I think, in the end, it is. I decided.....drum roll please..... I am moving home! I am going to be moving home to be closer to my family and of course my love. As of June 11 I will be living in Oakley again, with my dad, atleast for a bit. Daniel and I are working on getting things settled for our own place, but that requires BOTH of us to get working back home so I better find a job quick!

I am really excited about it. I was back home this weekend and spent some time with my dad and Daniel's parents and I just felt so at peace there. I know this is the right decision to be made and I am really looking forward to being so close to everyone I love. It will be really hard leaving my two best friends, though. We have grown up together in the hardest times of our lives and challenged and supported eachother through so much. I love Chelsea and Amanda as my family and leaving them is going to be very sad. But......there is even more to come home to so of course this is all worth it! Actually, everything is fitting into place like a perfect little puzzle. I was listening to Air One radio this morning and heard something really inspiring...they were talking about how you know if the choices you are making are what God wants for you. When you make a choice that brings you peace you can be assured that God wanted you to take that path. I feel very much at peace and know that this is where he want me to head. Looking forward to moving in 7 weeks!! :)

p.s. I get to see the most amazingly perfect-for-me man in less than 4 days, yay!!! :)


  1. i'm so glad you get to come down this weekend! 3 weeks from today they are DONE!!! moving home will definitely be hard... but as long as your family isn't crazy like mine, it'll be good in the long run!

  2. it will deffinetly be good in the short run! Daniel and I have been living over an hour apart for the last 4 years and we are sick of it. And I am totally excited for this weekend. Two weeks apart is two weeks too long, in my opinion :) p.s. I made a collage like yours, hope you don't mind..I just really like it :)
