Thursday, April 15, 2010

Saying Goodbye to Goodbyes

So, I thought I would start a blog because I always seem to have something to say and there just enough space on Facebook to say it. Now Amanda thinks the title of my blog may come off as a bit stalkerish, so if you have a better suggestion, let me know, because I couldn't come up with anything better. I am going to use this space to write out all my emotions, good and bad because I need a place to share it all. There is just so much changing and going on in my life right now and sometimes I need to let it all out. I know my roomies are tired of hearing about all the "what-if's" of my life because it stresses them out when I change my plans too much and they just told me to stop telling them my ideas until I make up my mind. So.....I guess I will be writing it all out on here so I have someone to tell, even if it is cyberworld.

So, as many of you may know, I have been visiting Daniel every weekend for the last four weeks. I drive the 8 hour drive to spend friday night through Sunday night with my love, and of course it is worth it. But this weekend I don't get to go. Partly because I'm an idoit and had to spend and extra $90 on my plane ticket for last weekend when I realized I booked my return flight for Monday MAY 10 not APRIL....therefore I spent all the gas money I could have used to drive down to see him, just to get back to my real life. And as much as I appreciate my work and my boss, real life just isn't very enjoyable without him here. I'm ready for him to be home. I'm ready to not have to say goodbye anymore...well until he has more training or is deployed....but I don't want to say goodbye when we get back to normal life again. So that is where we are at....trying to figure out how not to say goodbye anymore. And that starts with him getting a job. Depending on where that is, I may have to find a new job too. That's why there are so many "what-if's" in my life right now, it's all riding on a bunch of unknowns.

The bottom line, we refuse to say goodbye anymore and we trying to figure out how to change that :)


  1. You'll love having a blog! it's so nice to have a place to vent! and don't worry only 3 more weeks till ITB is DONE!!!

  2. Its not goodbye its Ill see ya later..... I know how hard it is and I'm lucky Rich gets to come home for RA for a month but then its back to the unknown which is scary.... Blogging is a great way to vent... Wish you and Daniel all the best....
